Repair Or Replace: What To Do With Your Furnace
While nobody enjoys having to schedule a heating repair service on their home, even fewer are enthusiastic about shelling out the money for a brand-new replacement. Still, depending on the state of your furnace, you may have to make that decision with the unit that's currently in your home. Fortunately, furnaces can last a really long time — anywhere from 18 to 20 years, on average — so it's not a decision you have to make very often. Below are a few questions you can ask yourself to determine if a new furnace is right for you. If you have any questions, contact an HVAC company that specializes in heating installations.
How Old Is Your Unit?
As mentioned above, furnaces last a lot longer than most people think. Still, at the halfway point of your unit's expected lifespan, you'll start to notice that the repairs will become more frequent and more serious, such as motors that give out or fan blades that disconnect completely. While you may be tempted to simply have a furnace repair service performed, you should strongly consider scheduling a heating installation instead. Not only will it give you the peace of mind of a brand-new unit, but you'll also have a warranty that will protect you from any future repairs.
How Expensive Are the Repairs?
As far as home repairs go, furnace repairs are relatively inexpensive. Most services cost less than a few hundred dollars, so if you're paying substantially more than that or are having to schedule a furnace repair service on a regular basis, it might make more financial sense to simply have a new heating installation performed. A good rule of thumb is to consider the cost of repairs from the last few years. If it adds up to more than 50% of the cost of a brand-new unit, replace the system completely.
Do You Want to Upgrade?
Home technology has come a long way in the last 20 years, and furnaces are no different. Today's units are much more energy-efficient, can last longer, and take up significantly less space than they use to, which means a furnace that is currently on the decline may be an expert candidate to be replaced. Furthermore, if you're planning on selling your home in the near future, you won't want to hit the market with a poorly operating furnace. While prospective homebuyers may not buy your home based on the quality of your furnace, they can certainly reject it if the inspector feels like it is not very operational. The best thing to do is to schedule a heating installation service if you feel like you can affect the resale value of your home.
Reach out to a professional who provides heating installation services to learn more.