How Do You Know If Your Evaporator Coil Is Ailing?
If you've had your cooling system for a long time, certain components in your indoor and outdoor units may not work as well as they did in the beginning. One of the parts you probably rely on the most is the evaporator coil. Along with the motor in your outdoor AC unit, the evaporator coil is the heart of your cooling system. The information below can help you understand more about your evaporator coil and the potential problems it can have right now.
What Might Your Evaporator Do if It's Ailing?
The evaporator coil sits in the center of your indoor air handler. The coil's triangular shape allows it to receive and process heated air from your home. Once warm air passes through the coil's unique surface, it passes by a coil filled with a substance called refrigerant. If warm air doesn't pass the refrigerant properly, it can stay inside your evaporator coil. Frost will slowly form on the coil's surface and prevent the part from cooling your home.
In addition to frost, evaporator coils can leak water if some of their drainage components clog up. You might find puddles of water beneath the air handler if your appliance does leak. Condensation may also form on every surface in the air handler's closet. Water and condensation can be hazardous to your home if they attract mold.
If you detect any troublesome problems in your evaporator coil, seek help from an AC contractor like those at Mauzy Heating, Air & Solar.
Can You Replace an Ailing Evaporator Coil?
Although it's possible to replace an ailing evaporator coil, you shouldn't. An evaporator coil won't function properly if it doesn't match the size, type, and power of your cooling system. An ill-fitting or mismatched evaporator coil can increase your electrical expenses, overwhelm your cooling system, and potentially fail. You want to avoid these dilemmas by having an AC contractor replace your old cooling system.
An HVAC contractor will need to calculate how large (or small) your new cooling system needs to be in your home. The calculation may also determine whether or not you need to update your air ducts. Your air ducts will need to be spacious and sound enough to move air throughout your house.
A contractor may also evaluate the conditions of your house before they install a new AC in it. For example, if your home is humid most of the year, you may need a system that removes moisture from your house. An AC contractor can discuss other specifications they need to consider after the inspection.
For more details on evaporator coils and why they fail, consult an conditioning service today.