3 Ways To Reduce Issues With Cold-Weather Condensation In Your Home
When the cold weather sits outside your home, you will be firing up your home heating system and enjoying the warmth that it provides. However, if you have issues with cold-weather condensation, there is a pretty good chance you will unfortunately be dealing with moisture problems on your walls and windows. To eliminate issues with cold-weather condensation, you have to understand what the problem is, where it comes from, and why it is an issue in your home.
So, where does cold-weather condensation come from?
If you live in an area where the temperatures dip well below freezing, the internal temperature of your home will not fare will against cold that is seeping in through the walls of your house. This interaction will actually cause the walls to sweat condensation, which can drive humidity levels higher and even cause issues with water damage. In most cases, this is a sign of a home that is not well insulated. However, you might only see small spots affected by condensation where there is not enough insulation, such as around electrical fixtures or plug-ins. Insulation prevents the different air temperatures from coming in contact with each other, which will prevent condensation from forming.
What is the easiest way to eliminate the problem with condensation in your home?
To get rid of excess condensation, it is best to have a professional come in and make sure your home is appropriately insulated. If the insulation is not the issue, your home heating system may need to be fitted with a dehumidifier unit that traps moisture in the return ventilation and eliminates it from the air in the house. This will dramatically reduce the amount of moisture in the air and keep condensation at bay.
Why is condensation more of an issue in upper levels of the house?
The upper levels of your home are often more prone to condensation because they may be more exposed to colder temperatures in the atmosphere outside. If your home has an outdated heating system, heat may also be less likely to be distributed appropriately throughout the home, which will cause warm air to rise to higher levels of the house.
Even if your home heating system is working well, if you have issues with cold-weather condensation in the winter months, it is best to have a professional HVAC expert, such as Avery Heating & Air Conditioning, come out and take a look. The longer you deal with the issue in your home, the more your house will be susceptible to water damage.